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Committeewoman Mary Jane Wiley, who was not on the Township Committee when funding was approved, disagrees with the location near a residential area, she said Thursday. R e s id e n t s s a y h o c k e y facility w ill b r in g traffic BY MARLYN DUFF S ta f f W r ite r HAZLET Responding to opposition to a planned roller hockey rink at Evergreen Park, township officials have agreed to meet Tuesday, July 12, with neighborhood residents to review the proposal. First-class m ail subscription available at $65 for 26 weeks, 40 cents a copy. Published W ednesday by th e G reater M o n m o u th P u b lis h in g Co., E d g e b o r o R o a d, E ast B ru n s w ic k N.J T h ird - cla ss p o s ta g e p a id at E a tonto w n, N.J. 220 FAX Classified ADS Classified FAX t - BAYSHORE, ndep end ent Managing Editor Judith McGee Feeney Sports Coordinator Lindsey Siegle Executive Editor Gregory' Bean Publisher - Kevin Wittman A Greater Media Newspaper The Bayshore ndependent circulation is s u b je c t to a u d it by V e rifie d A u d it of Circulations, nc.

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226 FAX Circulation Display Advertising Ext. REGULAR FEATURES Calendar Classifieds Editorials Letters Milestones Obituaries Sports Police Beat Property Lines Yesteryear P h o n e n u m b e rs : Editorial Ext. V \ /A 'v V THE NDEPENDENT, JULY 7, H a z l e t, p a r k n e i o r s f a c e o f f o v e r r i n a n s Helen Vincent of Hazlet has been a Brownie leader for the Girl Scouts for 40 years. Kyrillos also believes a $2.95 million Continued on page 15 Win cash and prizes! Look fo r the details of our new, exciting Beat the Heat! contest in today s paper.ģ THS SSUE: V ih V V. The state budget anticipates revenue of $7 million from the sale of the two state marinas the one in Leonardo and another in Forked River, but it does not authorize the sale, he noted. However, Kyrillos maintained Friday the matter is very much up in the air. The state also wants to make this an easy transition for people who have boat slips, Collings added. (We re) trying to notify as many people as possible, she said. (pollings said the auction had been advjertised for July 29, but w ill be rescheduled for some time in August. The Treasury Department is responsible for all state-owned property. We are proceeding, Amy Collings, public information spokeswoman for the Treasury Department, said Friday. The boat owners and residents are especially concerned because the state had scheduled a tentative auction date, advertising it in boating magazines. The township, so far, has remained non-committal. The Leonardo Citizens Association is also joining the battle to prevent the sale, according to Mercedes Johnson, one of the group s leaders. Joseph Kyrillos, R-13, said questions remain. A state Treasury Department spokeswoman said Friday the sale is proceeding as planned, but state Sen. (Photo by Marilyn Duff) BY MARLYN DUFF S ta ff W r ite r Boat owners at the Leonardo State Marina, Middletown, are ready to fight a state plan to sell the marina. (Photo by Rich Schultz) B o a t o w n e r s f i g h t t o b l o c k m a r i n a s a le The entrance to the Leonardo State Marina in the Leonardo section of Middletown is on Concord Avenue. Many believe that conditions in Cliffwood Beach are starting to improve, little by little. Now, visitors can see a new, improved sign and a new tot lot. n the 1970s, it was to drink beer, and in the 80s and 90s, it was to do drugs, Liegel said Continued on page 8 This recent photograph, taken at the Ross Field basketball courts in Cliffwood Beach s Veterans Park, shows the graffiti-covered sign that used to adorn the park. n the 1960s, guys would come here to sniff glue. After Liegel complained about the situation, a no parking, dusk to dawn sign was installed by the lot, and the police have been issuing tickets to the offenders.

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However, the situation may improve, he said. Cars park there at all hours of the night, and the small plastic bags, and condoms as well, are discarded by the visitors, according to Liegel. Far from being a spot to meditate or picnic, the lot next to Liegel s house has become a hangout. Township officials and residents are starting to combine forces to improve the situation. Liegel is one of many residents who have complained about crime, property maintenance and township services in Aberdeen s Cliffwood Beach section. nstead, the land, purchased many years ago by the township with a Green Acres grant, has yielded a large crop of small, plastic bags used to hold cocaine.

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1 MATAWAN FREE PUB LBRARY 165 MAN ST MATAWAN, NJ U 1 U 1 ABERDEEN,HAZLET, KEYPORT AND MATAWAN JULY 7, C E N T S V O L U M E 24, N U M B E R 2 7 A b e r d e e n c l e a n s u p FOCUS: C l i f f w o o d B e a c h S to r ie s o n p a g e s 6-11 BY LAUREN JAEGER Staff Writer For years, Ken Liegel of Woodland Drive, Aberdeen, has wished he could pick only plants from a vacant lot next to his property.

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